Source code for obstools

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#  Created on 06-Jun-2022
#  @author: tbowers

"""Init File

# Imports for signal and log handling
import os
import warnings

# Local Imports
from obstools.version import version

# Imports for building help docs
    from obstools import deveny_collfocus
    from obstools import deveny_grangle
    from obstools import dfocus
    from obstools import lmi_etc
    from obstools import fix_ldt_header
    from obstools import neocp_ephem
    from obstools import scrub_deveny_pickup
except ImportError as err:

[docs]def short_warning(message, category, filename, lineno, file=None, line=None): """ Return the format for a short warning message. """ return f" {category.__name__}: {message} ({os.path.split(filename)[1]}:{lineno})\n"
warnings.formatwarning = short_warning # Set version __version__ = version # Build the list of script classes
[docs]def script_classes() -> dict: """Build the list of script classes in the package Returns ------- :obj:`dict` Dictionary of {name:class} for all script classes """ import numpy as np from obstools import utils # Recursively collect all subclasses scr_class = np.array(list(utils.all_subclasses(utils.ScriptBase))) print(scr_class) scr_name = np.array([ for c in scr_class]) # Construct a dictionary with the script name and class srt = np.argsort(scr_name) return dict(zip(scr_name[srt], scr_class[srt]))