Source code for obstools.celestial_time

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  This file is part of LDTObserverTools.
#   This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
#   License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
#   file, You can obtain one at
#  Created on 12-Nov-2021
#  @author: tbowers

"""Celestial Time Utilities Module

LDTObserverTools contains python ports of the various DeVeny IDL routines

Lowell Discovery Telescope (Lowell Observatory: Flagstaff, AZ)

This file contains various celestial time utilities for LDT.

# Built-In Libraries

# 3rd-Party Libraries
import astropy.coordinates
import astropy.time

# Local Libraries

[docs]def lst_midnight(utdates: list): """Compute the LST at midnight for LDT on a list of UT dates The "LST at Midnight" is a helpful guide for determining what objects may be observable on a given night. This routine returns this value for the LDT given the input UT dates. Parameters ---------- utdates : :obj:`list` List of (:obj:`str`) UT dates for which to compute the LST at midnight. Each date must be of the form "YYYY-MM-DD" Returns ------- :obj:`list` List of the output LST in HH:MM:SS format """ midnights = [f"{date}T07:00:00" for date in utdates] times = astropy.time.Time( midnights, format="isot", scale="utc", location=astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation.of_site("DCT"), ) return times.sidereal_time("apparent").to_string(precision=0)