Source code for obstools.deveny_collfocus

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  This file is part of LDTObserverTools.
#   This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
#   License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
#   file, You can obtain one at
#  Created on 31-May-2023
#  @author: bshafransky, tbowers

"""DeVeny Collimator Focus Range Estimator GUI Module

LDTObserverTools contains python ports of various LDT Observer Tools

Lowell Discovery Telescope (Lowell Observatory: Flagstaff, AZ)

This file contains the ``deveny_collfocus`` routine for computing the estimated
collimator focus value and range for the LOUI Focus Sequence tab.  The GUI can
gather current information (mount temperature and grating angle) from the
ActiveMQ broker, if available, but the user may also manually enter these
values when the tool is used away from the telescope.

This calculator was originally written by B. Shafransky (LDT TO), and has been
incorporated into the LDTObserverTools package.

# Built-In Libraries
import argparse
import os
import sys

# 3rd-Party Libraries
import numpy as np
import PySimpleGUI as sg

# Local Libraries
from obstools import utils

    from obstools import broker_listener
except ImportError:

MIN_COLLFOC = 7.5  # Smallest collimator focus value (in mm)
STEPSIZE = 0.5  # Default step size (in mm)

[docs]def deveny_collfocus(debug: bool = False): """Main Driver for the DeVeny Collimator Focus Sequence Estimator GUI Compute the estimated focus and LOUI Focus Sequence range given the mount temperature, grating tilt angle, and presence of an order-blocking filter. Optionally, read in the current mount temperature and grating tilt angle from the ActiveMQ broker, if running at the site. Parameters ---------- debug : :obj:`bool`, optional Print debug statements? (Default: False) """ # Check that stomp was imported (in broker_listener) and that the config file exists use_stomp = "stomp" in sys.modules and (utils.CONFIG / "activemq_joe.yaml").exists() # Fire up the broker Listener if use_stomp: am_radio = broker_listener.ActiveMQ_Listener(utils.CONFIG / "activemq_joe.yaml") if debug: print( f"The parts of use_stomp = {use_stomp}: sys.modules = {'stomp' in sys.modules} " f"config exists = {(utils.CONFIG / 'activemq_joe.yaml').exists()}" ) # Define the color scheme for the GUI sg.theme(utils.SG_THEME) # Define the window layout row1 = [ sg.Text("Enter Mount Temperature:", font="courier 18"), sg.Input(key="-TEMPIN-", size=(12, 1)), sg.Text("ºC"), ] row2 = [ sg.Text(" Enter Grating Tilt:", font="courier 18"), sg.Input(key="-TILTIN-", size=(12, 1)), sg.Text("º"), ] row3 = [ sg.Text(" Select Rear Filter:", font="courier 18"), sg.Drop( values=(["CLEAR", "GG420", "GG495", "OG570"]), auto_size_text=True, default_value="CLEAR", key="-FILTER-", ), ] row4 = [ sg.Button("Compute"), sg.Button("Get Values from Broker") if use_stomp else sg.Text(""), sg.Button("Done"), ] row5 = [ sg.Text(" Estimated Focus Value:"), sg.Text(size=(21, 1), key="-FOCUSOUT-"), ] row6 = [sg.Text("Suggested Focus Sequence: ", font="Helvetica 18 underline")] row7 = [ sg.Text(" Initial Position (mm):", font="courier 18"), sg.Text( size=(3, 1), key="-STARTPOS-", text_color=sg.theme_input_text_color(), background_color=sg.theme_input_background_color(), ), sg.Text("Step Size (mm):", font="courier 18"), sg.Text( size=(3, 1), key="-STEPSIZE-", text_color=sg.theme_input_text_color(), background_color=sg.theme_input_background_color(), ), ] row8 = [ sg.Text(" Number of Steps:", font="courier 18"), sg.Text( size=(3, 1), key="-NSTEPS-", text_color=sg.theme_input_text_color(), background_color=sg.theme_input_background_color(), ), ] # Define the rows based on which GUI we're making rows = [row1, row2, row3, row4, row5, row6, row7, row8] # Make the pysimplegui "Error performing wm_overrideredirect" go away old_stdout = sys.stdout with open(os.devnull, "w", encoding="utf8") as f_null: sys.stdout = f_null # Create the Window window = sg.Window( "DeVeny Collimator Focus Sequence Estimator", rows, location=(10, 10), finalize=True, element_justification="left", font="Helvetica 18", ) # Return the STDOUT to the command line sys.stdout = old_stdout # Wait for events while True: event, values = if event in [sg.WIN_CLOSED, "Done"]: break if event == "Compute": # Check for non-numeric values in entries try: tempin = float(values["-TEMPIN-"]) tiltin = float(values["-TILTIN-"]) except ValueError: window["-FOCUSOUT-"].update("Please Enter a Number") window["-STARTPOS-"].update("") window["-STEPSIZE-"].update("") window["-NSTEPS-"].update("") window["-TEMPIN-"].update("") window["-TILTIN-"].update("") # Wait for next event continue # Compute the estimated focus and focus sequence range est_focus = calculate_collimator_focus( tempin, tiltin, values["-FILTER-"] != "CLEAR" ) focseq_range = calculate_focus_sequence(est_focus) # Update the window with the calculated values window["-FOCUSOUT-"].update(f"{np.round(est_focus,1)} ± 0.6 mm") window["-STARTPOS-"].update(f"{np.round(focseq_range[0],1)}") window["-STEPSIZE-"].update(f"{np.round(focseq_range[1],1)}") window["-NSTEPS-"].update(f"{focseq_range[2]}") elif event == "Get Values from Broker": # Retrieve the current values from the broker window["-TEMPIN-"].update( extract_broker_values(am_radio.mounttemp_from_broker) ) window["-TILTIN-"].update( extract_broker_values(am_radio.grangle_from_broker) ) # All done, close window window.close()
# Computation Utility Functions ==============================================#
[docs]def calculate_collimator_focus( mount_temp: float, grating_tilt: float, order_blocker: bool ) -> float: """Calculate Collimator Focus Value Using the formula presented in the DeVeny manual (built from collimator focus values from 2017-2020), compute the approximate focus value given the current conditions. The smallest value returned is 7.75mm -- a physical limit due to the limit switch on the collimator focus stage. Parameters ---------- mount_temp : :obj:`float` The current mount temperature in degrees Celsius grating_tilt : :obj:`float` The current grating tilt angle in degrees order_blocker : :obj:`bool` Whether an order-blocking filter (`e.g.`, OG570) is in place Returns ------- :obj:`float` The estimated collimator focus value """ return max( 11.0 - 0.08 * mount_temp - 0.14 * (grating_tilt - 25.0) + 0.7 * int(order_blocker), 7.75, )
[docs]def calculate_focus_sequence(estimated_focus: float) -> tuple[float, float, int]: """Calculate Estimated Focus Sequence The DeVeny LOUI Focus Sequence tab requests three pieces of information in order to execute a focus run: starting position, step size, and number of steps. This function computes these three values based on the estimated focus value (from temperature and tilt) and some prior information about the behavior of the collimator. Parameters ---------- estimated_focus : :obj:`float` The estimated focus value from the equation Returns ------- startpos : :obj:`float` The initial position of the Focus Sequence stepsize : :obj:`float` The stepsize to be used n_steps : :obj:`int` The number of steps for the Focus Sequence """ # Compute the range from `estimated_focus` to the minumum (no negatives!) dist_above_min = max(estimated_focus - MIN_COLLFOC, 0) base_steps = (dist_above_min / STEPSIZE) * 2 # Make n_steps ODD, with a minumum of 5 steps, and a maximum of 9 n_steps = min(max(np.ceil(base_steps) // 2 * 2 + 1, 5), 9) # Determine initial position (est focus minus 1/2 the range, with limit) startpos = max( np.round(estimated_focus * 2, 0) / 2 - (n_steps - 1) * STEPSIZE / 2, 7.5 ) # Return return startpos, STEPSIZE, int(n_steps)
[docs]def extract_broker_values(status_dict: dict) -> tuple[str, str]: """Get Current Values from the Broker When running at LDT, we can use the ActiveMQ broker to get the current mount temperature and grating tilt. This is a fancy little trick that will make the software developer very happy. Parameters ---------- status_dict : :obj:`dict` The status dictionary from the broker listener Returns ------- :obj:`str` The string value (or ``"~ Not Found ~"``) corresponding to this dictionary """ # Grating Tilt Angle if "GratingTilt" in status_dict: return f"{status_dict['GratingTilt']:.2f}" # Mount Temperature if "MountTemperature" in status_dict: return f"{status_dict['MountTemperature']:.1f}" # Else, nothing found return "~ Not Found ~"
# Command Line Script Infrastructure (borrowed from PypeIt) ==================#
[docs]class DevenyCollfocus(utils.ScriptBase): """Script class for ``deveny_collfocus`` tool Script structure borrowed from :class:`pypeit.scripts.scriptbase.ScriptBase`. """
[docs] @classmethod def get_parser(cls, width=None): """Construct the command-line argument parser. Parameters ---------- description : :obj:`str`, optional A short description of the purpose of the script. width : :obj:`int`, optional Restrict the width of the formatted help output to be no longer than this number of characters, if possible given the help formatter. If None, the width is the same as the terminal width. formatter : :obj:`~argparse.HelpFormatter` Class used to format the help output. Returns ------- :obj:`~argparse.ArgumentParser` Command-line interpreter. """ parser = super().get_parser( description="DeVeny Collimator Focus Sequence Estimator", width=width ) parser.add_argument( "-d", "--debug", action="store_true", default=False, help=argparse.SUPPRESS ) return parser
[docs] @staticmethod def main(args): """Main Driver Simple function that calls the main driver function. """ # Giddy up! deveny_collfocus(debug=args.debug)