Source code for obstools.dfocus

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  This file is part of LDTObserverTools.
#   This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
#   License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
#   file, You can obtain one at
#  Created on 01-Feb-2021
#  @author: tbowers

"""DeVeny Collimator Focus Calculator Module

LDTObserverTools contains python ports of various LDT Observer Tools

Lowell Discovery Telescope (Lowell Observatory: Flagstaff, AZ)

This file contains the dfocus routine for computing the required collimator
focus for the DeVeny Spectrograph based on a focus sequence completed by the
DeVeny LOUI.

.. include:: ../include/links.rst

# Built-In Libraries
import argparse
import os
import pathlib
import sys
import warnings

# 3rd-Party Libraries
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal
from tqdm import tqdm

# Local Libraries
from obstools import deveny_grangle
from obstools import utils

# User-facing Function =======================================================#
[docs]def dfocus( path: pathlib.Path, flog: str = "last", thresh: float = 100.0, debug: bool = False, launch_preview: bool = True, docfig: bool = False, ): """Find the optimal DeVeny collimator focus value This is the user-facing ``dfocus`` function that calls all of the various following subroutines. This function operates identically to the original IDL routine ````, but with the additional options of debugging and whether to launch to show the PDF plots generated. Parameters ---------- path : :obj:`~pathlib.Path` The path in which to find the ``deveny_focus.*`` files. flog : :obj:`str`, optional Focus log to process. If unspecified, process the last sequence in the directory. (Default: 'last') flog musy be of form: ``deveny_focus.YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS`` thresh : :obj:`float`, optional Line intensity threshold above background for detection (Default: 100.0) debug : :obj:`bool`, optional Print debug statements (Default: False) launch_preview : :obj:`bool`, optional Display the plots by launching Preview (Default: True) docfig : :obj:`bool`, optional Make example figures for online documentation? (Default: False) """ # Make a pretty title for the output of the routine n_cols = (os.get_terminal_size()).columns print("=" * n_cols) print(" DeVeny Collimator Focus Calculator") # Initialize a dictionary to hold lots of variables focus = initialize_focus_values(path, flog) if focus["delta"] == 0: print("\n** No successful focus run completed in this directory. **\n") sys.exit(1) # Process the middle image to get line centers, arrays, trace centers, trace, mid_collfoc, mspectra = process_middle_image( focus, thresh, debug=debug ) # Run through files, showing a progress bar print("\n Processing arc images...") prog_bar = tqdm(total=focus["n"], unit="frame", unit_scale=False, colour="yellow") line_width_array = [] for foc_file in focus["files"]: # Trim and extract the spectrum spectrum, collfoc = trim_deveny_image(foc_file) spectra = extract_spectrum(spectrum, trace, win=11) # Find FWHM of lines: _, these_centers, fwhm = find_lines(spectra, thresh=thresh, verbose=False) # Empirical shifts in line location due to off-axis paraboloid # collimator mirror line_dx = -4.0 * (collfoc - mid_collfoc) # Keep only the lines from `these_centers` that match the # reference image line_widths = [] for cen in centers: # Find line within 3 pix of the (adjusted) reference line idx = np.where(np.absolute((cen + line_dx) - these_centers) < 3.0)[0] # If there's something there wider than 2 piux, use it... else NaN width = fwhm[idx][0] if len(idx) else np.nan line_widths.append(width if width > 2.0 else np.nan) # Append these linewidths to the larger array for processing line_width_array.append(np.asarray(line_widths)) prog_bar.update(1) # Close the progress bar, end of loop prog_bar.close() line_width_array = np.asarray(line_width_array) print( f"\n Median value of all linewidths: {np.nanmedian(line_width_array):.2f} pix" ) # Fit the focus curve: min_focus_index, optimal_focus_index, min_linewidths, fit_pars = fit_focus_curves( line_width_array, fnom=focus["nominal"] ) # Convert the returned indices into actual COLLFOC values, find medians print("=" * n_cols) min_focus_values = min_focus_index * focus["delta"] + focus["start"] optimal_focus_values = optimal_focus_index * focus["delta"] + focus["start"] # med_min_focus = np.real(np.nanmedian(min_focus_values)) med_opt_focus = np.real(np.nanmedian(optimal_focus_values)) if focus["binning"] != "1x1": print(f"*** CCD is operating in binning {focus['binning']} (col x row)") print(f"*** Recommended (Median) Optimal Focus Position: {med_opt_focus:.2f} mm") print(f"*** Note: Current Mount Temperature is: {focus['mnttemp']:.1f}ÂșC") # =========================================================================# # Make the multipage PDF plot with PdfPages(pdf_fn := path / f"pyfocus.{focus['id']}.pdf") as pdf: # The plot shown in the IDL0 window: Plot of the found lines find_lines( mspectra, thresh=thresh, do_plot=True, focus_dict=focus, pdf=pdf, verbose=False, path=path, docfig=docfig, ) # The plot shown in the IDL2 window: Plot of best-fit fwid vs centers plot_optimal_focus( focus, centers, optimal_focus_values, med_opt_focus, pdf=pdf, path=path, docfig=docfig, ) # The plot shown in the IDL1 window: Focus curves for each identified line plot_focus_curves( centers, line_width_array, min_focus_values, optimal_focus_values, min_linewidths, fit_pars, focus["delta"], focus["start"], fnom=focus["nominal"], pdf=pdf, path=path, docfig=docfig, ) # Print the location of the plots print(f"\n Plots have been saved to: {}\n") # Try to open with Apple's Preview App... if can't, oh well. if launch_preview: try: os.system(f"/usr/bin/open -a Preview {pdf_fn}") except Exception as err: print(f"Cannot open\n{err}")
# Helper Functions (Chronological) ===========================================#
[docs]def initialize_focus_values(path: pathlib.Path, flog: str): """Initialize a dictionary of focus values Create a dictionary of values (mainly from the header) that can be used by subsequent routines. Parameters ---------- path : :obj:`~pathlib.Path` The path to the current working directory flog : :obj:`str` Identifier for the focus log to be processed Returns ------- :obj:`dict` Dictionary of the various needed quantities """ # Parse the log file to obtain file list n_files, files, focus_id = parse_focus_log(path, flog) # Escape hatch if no files found (e.g., run in the wrong directory) if not n_files: return {"delta": 0} # Pull the spectrograph setup from the first focus file: hdr0 =[0]) slitasec = hdr0["SLITASEC"] grating = hdr0["GRATING"] grangle = hdr0["GRANGLE"] lampcal = hdr0["LAMPCAL"] mnttemp = hdr0["MNTTEMP"] binning = hdr0["CCDSUM"].replace(" ", "x") # Compute the nominal line width nominal_focus = 2.94 * slitasec * deveny_grangle.deveny_amag(grangle) # Pull the collimator focus values from the first and last files focus_0 = hdr0["COLLFOC"] focus_1 = ([-1]))["COLLFOC"] # Find the delta between focus values try: delta_focus = (focus_1 - focus_0) / (n_files - 1) except ZeroDivisionError: delta_focus = 0 # Examine the middle image mid_file = files[n_files // 2] dfl_title = ( f"{} Grating: {grating} GRANGLE: " + f"{grangle:.2f} Lamps: {lampcal}" ) opt_title = ( f"Grating: {grating} Slit width: {slitasec:.2f} arcsec" + f" Binning: {binning} Nominal line width: " + f"{nominal_focus:.2f} pixels" ) return { "n": n_files, "files": files, "mid_file": mid_file, "id": focus_id, "nominal": nominal_focus, "start": focus_0, "end": focus_1, "delta": delta_focus, "plot_title": dfl_title, "opt_title": opt_title, "mnttemp": mnttemp, "binning": binning, }
[docs]def parse_focus_log(path: pathlib.Path, flog: str): """Parse the focus log file produced by the DeVeny LOUI The DeVeny focus log file consists of filename, collimator focus, and other relevant information:: : Image File Name ColFoc Grating GrTilt SltWth Filter LampCal MntTmp 20230613.0026.fits 7.50 600/4900 27.04 1.20 Clear (C) Cd,Ar,Hg 9.10 20230613.0027.fits 8.00 600/4900 27.04 1.20 Clear (C) Cd,Ar,Hg 9.10 20230613.0028.fits 8.50 600/4900 27.04 1.20 Clear (C) Cd,Ar,Hg 9.10 20230613.0029.fits 9.00 600/4900 27.04 1.20 Clear (C) Cd,Ar,Hg 9.10 20230613.0030.fits 9.50 600/4900 27.04 1.20 Clear (C) Cd,Ar,Hg 9.10 20230613.0031.fits 10.00 600/4900 27.04 1.20 Clear (C) Cd,Ar,Hg 9.10 20230613.0032.fits 10.50 600/4900 27.04 1.20 Clear (C) Cd,Ar,Hg 9.10 This function parses out the filenames of the focus images for this run, largely discarding the remaining information in the focus log file. Parameters ---------- path : :obj:`~pathlib.Path` The path to the current working directory flog : :obj:`str` Identifier for the focus log to be processed Returns ------- n_files : :obj:`int` Number of files for this focus run files: :obj:`list` List of :obj:`~pathlib.Path` files associated with this focus run focus_id: :obj:`str` The focus ID """ # Just to be sure... path = path.resolve() # Get the correct flog if flog.lower() == "last": focfiles = sorted(path.glob("deveny_focus*")) try: flog = focfiles[-1] except IndexError: # In the event of no files, return empty things return 0, [], "" else: flog = path / flog files = [] with open(flog, "r", encoding="utf8") as file_object: # Discard file header file_object.readline() # Read in the remainder of the file, grabbing just the filenames for line in file_object: files.append(path.parent / line.strip().split()[0]) # Return the list of files, and the FocusID return len(files), files,[-15:]
[docs]def process_middle_image(focus, thresh, debug=False): """Process the middle focus image This finds the lines to be measured -- presumably the middle is closest to focus Parameters ---------- focus : :obj:`dict`, optional Dictionary containing needed variables for plot thresh : :obj:`float` Line intensity threshold above background for detection debug : :obj:`bool`, optional Print debug statements (Default: False) Returns ------- centers, :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` Centers trace, :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` Trace mid_collfoc, :obj:`float` Collimator focus of the middle frame mspectra, :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` The spectrum from the middle frame (for later plotting) """ print(f"\n Processing center focus image {focus['mid_file']}...") spectrum, mid_collfoc = trim_deveny_image(focus["mid_file"]) # Build the trace for spectrum extraction n_y, n_x = spectrum.shape trace = np.full(n_x, n_y / 2, dtype=float).reshape((1, n_x)) mspectra = extract_spectrum(spectrum, trace, win=11) if debug: print(f"Traces: {trace}") print(f"Middle Spectrum: {mspectra}") # Find the lines in the extracted spectrum n_c, centers, _ = find_lines(mspectra, thresh=thresh) if debug: print(f"Back in the main program, number of lines: {n_c}") print(f"Line Centers: {[f'{cent:.1f}' for cent in centers]}") return centers, trace, mid_collfoc, mspectra
[docs]def trim_deveny_image(filename): """Trim a DeVeny Image The IDL code from which this was ported contains a large amount of vistigial code from previous versions of the DeVeny camera, including instances where the CCD was read out using 2 amplifiers and required special treatment in order to balance the two sides of the output image. The code below consists of the lines of code that were actually running using the keywords passed from current version of ````, and the pieces of that code that are actually used. Specifically, this routine trims off the 50 prescan and 50 postscan pixels, as well as several rows off the top and bottom. (Extracts rows ``[12:512]``) Parameters ---------- filename : :obj:`~pathlib.Path` Filename of the spectrum to get and trim Returns ------- :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` The trimmed CCD image """ # Parameters for DeVeny (2015 Deep-Depletion Device): nxpix, prepix = 2048, 50 # Read in the file with as hdul: image = hdul[0].data collfoc = hdul[0].header["COLLFOC"] # Trim the image (remove top and bottom rows) -- why this particular range? # Trim off the 50 prepixels and the 50 postpixels; RETURN return image[12:512, prepix : prepix + nxpix], collfoc
[docs]def extract_spectrum(spectrum, traces, win): """Object spectral extraction routine Extract spectra by averaging over the specified window Parameters ---------- spectrum : :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` The trimmed spectral image traces : :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` The trace(s) along which to extract spectra win : :obj:`int` Window over which to average the spectrum Returns ------- :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` 2D or 3D array of spectra of individual orders """ # Spec out the shape, and create an empty array to hold the output spectra norders, n_x = traces.shape spectra = np.empty((norders, n_x), dtype=float) speca = np.empty(n_x, dtype=float) # Set extraction window size half_window = int(win) // 2 for order in range(norders): # Because of python indexing, we need to "+1" the upper limit in order # to get the full wsize elements for the average trace = traces[order, :].astype(int) for i in range(n_x): speca[i] = np.average( spectrum[trace[i] - half_window : trace[i] + half_window + 1, i] ) spectra[order, :] = speca.reshape((1, n_x)) return spectra
[docs]def find_lines( image, thresh=20.0, minsep=11, verbose: bool = True, do_plot: bool = False, focus_dict=None, pdf=None, docfig: bool = False, path: pathlib.Path = None, ): """Automatically find and centroid lines in a 1-row image Uses :func:`scipy.signal.find_peaks` for this task Parameters ---------- image : :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` Extracted spectrum thresh : :obj:`float`, optional Threshold above which to indentify lines [Default: 20 DN above bkgd] minsep : :obj:`int`, optional Minimum line separation for identification [Default: 11 pixels] verbose : :obj:`bool`, optional Produce verbose output? [Default: False] do_plot : :obj:`bool`, optional Create a plot on the provided axes? [Default: False] focus_dict : :obj:`dict`, optional Dictionary containing needed variables for plot [Default: None] Returns ------- n_c : :obj:`int` Number of lines found and returned centers : :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` Line centers (pixel #) fwhm : :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` The computed FWHM for each peak """ # Get size and flatten to 1D _, n_x = image.shape spec = np.ndarray.flatten(image) # Find background from median value of the image: bkgd = np.median(spec) if verbose: print( f" Background level: {bkgd:.1f}" + f" Detection threshold level: {bkgd+thresh:.1f}" ) # Use scipy to find peaks & widths -- no more janky IDL-based junk centers, _ = scipy.signal.find_peaks( newspec := spec - bkgd, height=thresh, distance=minsep ) fwhm = (scipy.signal.peak_widths(newspec, centers))[0] if verbose: print(f" Number of lines found: {len(centers)}") # Produce a plot for posterity, if directed if do_plot: # Set up the plot environment _, axis = plt.subplots() tsz = 8 # Plot the spectrum, mark the peaks, and label them axis.plot(np.arange(len(spec)), newspec) axis.set_ylim(0, (yrange := 1.2 * max(newspec))) axis.plot(centers, newspec[centers.astype(int)] + 0.02 * yrange, "k*") for cen in centers: axis.text( cen, newspec[int(np.round(cen))] + 0.03 * yrange, f"{cen:.0f}", fontsize=tsz, ) # Make pretty & Save axis.set_title(focus_dict["plot_title"], fontsize=tsz * 1.2) axis.set_xlabel("CCD Column", fontsize=tsz) axis.set_ylabel("I (DN)", fontsize=tsz) axis.set_xlim(0, n_x + 2) axis.tick_params("both", labelsize=tsz, direction="in", top=True, right=True) plt.tight_layout() if pdf is None: else: pdf.savefig() if docfig: for ext in ["png", "pdf", "svg"]: plt.savefig(path / f"pyfocus.page1_example.{ext}") plt.close() return len(centers), centers, fwhm
[docs]def fit_focus_curves(fwhm, fnom=2.7, norder=2, debug=False): """Fit line / star focus curves [extended_summary] Parameters ---------- fwhm : :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` Array of FWHM for all lines as a function of COLLFOC fnom : :obj:`float`, optional Nominal FHWM of an in-focus line. (Default: 2.7) norder : :obj:`int`, optional Polynomial order of the focus fit (Default: 2 = Quadratic) debug : :obj:`bool`, optional Print debug statements (Default: False) Returns ------- min_cf_idx_value : :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` Best fit focus values optimal_cf_idx_value : :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` Best fit linewidths min_linewidth : :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` Minimum linewidths foc_fits : :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` Fit parameters (for plotting) """ # Warning Filter -- Polyfit RankWarning, don't wanna hear about it warnings.simplefilter("ignore", np.RankWarning) # Create the various arrays / lists needed n_focus, n_centers = fwhm.shape min_linewidth = [] min_cf_idx_value = [] optimal_cf_idx_value = [] foc_fits = [] # Fitting arrays (these are indices for collimator focus) cf_idx_coarse = np.arange(n_focus, dtype=float) cf_idx_fine = np.arange(0, n_focus - 1 + 0.1, 0.1, dtype=float) # Loop through lines to find the best focus for each one for i in range(n_centers): # Data are the FWHM for this line at different COLLFOC fwhms_of_this_line = fwhm[:, i] # Find unphysically large or small FWHM (or NaN) -- set to np.nan bad_idx = np.where( np.logical_or(fwhms_of_this_line < 1.0, fwhms_of_this_line > 15.0) ) fwhms_of_this_line[bad_idx] = np.nan fwhms_of_this_line[np.isnan(fwhms_of_this_line)] = np.nan # If more than 3 of the FHWM are bad for this line, skip and go on if len(bad_idx) > 3: # Add values to the lists for proper indexing for flst in [min_linewidth, min_cf_idx_value, optimal_cf_idx_value]: flst.append(None) continue # Do a polynomial fit (norder) to the FWHM vs COLLFOC index # fit = np.polyfit(cf_idx_coarse, fwhms_of_this_line, norder) fit = utils.good_poly(cf_idx_coarse, fwhms_of_this_line, norder, 2.0) foc_fits.append(fit) if debug: print(f"In fit_focus_curves(): fit = {fit}") # If good_poly() returns zeros, deal with it accordingly if all(value == 0 for value in fit): min_cf_idx_value.append(np.nan) min_linewidth.append(np.nan) optimal_cf_idx_value.append(np.nan) continue # Use the fine grid to evaluate the curve miniumum focus_curve = np.polyval(fit, cf_idx_fine) # fitfine min_cf_idx_value.append(cf_idx_fine[np.argmin(focus_curve)]) # focus min_linewidth.append(np.min(focus_curve)) # minfoc # Compute the nominal focus position as the larger of the two points # where the polymonial function crosses fnom coeffs = [fit[0], fit[1], fit[2] - fnom] if debug: print(f"Roots: {np.roots(coeffs)}") optimal_cf_idx_value.append(np.max(np.real(np.roots(coeffs)))) # After looping, return the items as numpy arrays return ( np.asarray(min_cf_idx_value), np.asarray(optimal_cf_idx_value), np.asarray(min_linewidth), np.asarray(foc_fits), )
# Plotting Routines ==========================================================#
[docs]def plot_optimal_focus( focus, centers, optimal_focus_values, med_opt_focus, debug: bool = False, pdf=None, docfig: bool = False, path: pathlib.Path = None, ): """Make the Optimal Focus Plot (IDL2 Window) [extended_summary] Parameters ---------- focus : :obj:`dict` Dictionary of the various focus-related quantities centers : :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` Array of the centers of each line optimal_focus_values : :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` Array of the optimal focus values for each line med_opt_focus : :obj:`float` Median optimal focus value debug : :obj:`bool`, optional Print debug statements (Default: False) """ if debug: print("=" * 20) print(centers.dtype, optimal_focus_values.dtype, type(med_opt_focus)) _, axis = plt.subplots() tsz = 8 axis.plot(centers, optimal_focus_values, ".") axis.set_xlim(0, 2050) axis.set_ylim(focus["start"] - focus["delta"], focus["end"] + focus["delta"]) axis.set_title( "Optimal focus position vs. line position, median = " + f"{med_opt_focus:.2f} mm " + f"(Mount Temp: {focus['mnttemp']:.1f}$^\\circ$C)", fontsize=tsz * 1.2, ) axis.hlines( med_opt_focus, 0, 1, transform=axis.get_yaxis_transform(), color="magenta", ls="--", ) axis.set_xlabel(f"CCD Column\n{focus['opt_title']}", fontsize=tsz) axis.set_ylabel("Optimal Focus (mm)", fontsize=tsz) axis.grid(which="both", color="#c0c0c0", linestyle="-", linewidth=0.5) axis.tick_params("both", labelsize=tsz, direction="in", top=True, right=True) plt.tight_layout() if pdf is None: else: pdf.savefig() if docfig: for ext in ["png", "pdf", "svg"]: plt.savefig(path / f"pyfocus.page2_example.{ext}") plt.close()
[docs]def plot_focus_curves( centers, line_width_array, min_focus_values, optimal_focus_values, min_linewidths, fit_pars, delta_focus, focus_0, fnom=2.7, pdf=None, docfig: bool = False, path: pathlib.Path = None, ): """Make the big plot of all the focus curves (IDL1 Window) [extended_summary] Parameters ---------- centers : :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` List of line centers from find_lines() line_width_array : :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` Array of line widths from each COLLFOC setting for each line min_focus_values : :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` List of the minimum focus values found from the polynomial fit optimal_focus_values : :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` List of the optimal focus values found from the polynomial fit min_linewidths : :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` List of the minumum linewidths found from the fitting fit_pars : :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` Array of the polynomial fit parameters for each line df : :obj:`float` Spacing between COLLFOC settings focus_0 : :obj:`float` Lower end of the COLLFOC range fnom : :obj:`float`, optional Nominal (optimal) linewidth (Default: 2.7) """ # Warning Filter -- Matplotlib doesn't like going from masked --> NaN warnings.simplefilter("ignore", UserWarning) # Set up variables n_foc, n_c = line_width_array.shape focus_idx = np.arange(n_foc) focus_x = focus_idx * delta_focus + focus_0 # Set the plotting array ncols = 6 nrows = n_c // ncols + 1 fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=ncols, nrows=nrows, figsize=(8.5, 11)) tsz = 6 # type size for i, axis in enumerate(axes.flatten()): if i < n_c: # Plot the points and the polynomial fit axis.plot(focus_x, line_width_array[:, i], "kD", fillstyle="none") axis.plot(focus_x, np.polyval(fit_pars[i, :], focus_idx), "g-") # Plot vertical lines to indicate minimum and optimal focus axis.vlines(min_focus_values[i], 0, min_linewidths[i], color="r", ls="-") axis.vlines(optimal_focus_values[i], 0, fnom, color="b", ls="-") # Plot parameters to make pretty # ax.set_ylim(0, np.nanmax(line_width_array[:,i])) axis.set_ylim(0, 7.9) axis.set_xlim(np.min(focus_x) - delta_focus, np.max(focus_x) + delta_focus) axis.set_xlabel("Collimator Position (mm)", fontsize=tsz) axis.set_ylabel("FWHM (pix)", fontsize=tsz) axis.set_title( f"LC: {centers[i]:.0f} Fnom: {fnom:.2f} pixels", fontsize=tsz ) axis.tick_params( "both", labelsize=tsz, direction="in", top=True, right=True ) axis.grid(which="both", color="#c0c0c0", linestyle="-", linewidth=0.5) else: # Clear any extra positions if there aren't enough lines fig.delaxes(axis) plt.tight_layout() if pdf is None: else: pdf.savefig() if docfig: for ext in ["png", "pdf", "svg"]: plt.savefig(path / f"pyfocus.page3_example.{ext}") plt.close()
# Extra Routines =============================================================#
[docs]def find_lines_in_spectrum(filename, thresh=100.0): """Find the line centers in a spectrum This function is not directly utilized in ``dfocus``, but rather is included as a wrapper for several functions that can be used by other programs. Given the filename of an arc-lamp spectrum, this function returns a list of the line centers found in the image. Parameters ---------- filename : :obj:`str` Filename of the arc frame to find lines in thresh : :obj:`float`, optional Line intensity threshold above background for detection [Default: 100] Returns ------- :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` List of line centers found in the image """ # Get the trimmed image spectrum, _ = trim_deveny_image(filename) # Build the trace for spectrum extraction n_y, n_x = spectrum.shape traces = np.full(n_x, n_y / 2, dtype=float).reshape((1, n_x)) spectra = extract_spectrum(spectrum, traces, win=11) # Find the lines! _, centers, _ = find_lines(spectra, thresh=thresh) return centers
# Command Line Script Infrastructure (borrowed from PypeIt) ==================#
[docs]class DFocus(utils.ScriptBase): """Script class for ``dfocus`` tool Script structure borrowed from :class:`pypeit.scripts.scriptbase.ScriptBase`. """
[docs] @classmethod def get_parser(cls, width=None): """Construct the command-line argument parser. Parameters ---------- description : :obj:`str`, optional A short description of the purpose of the script. width : :obj:`int`, optional Restrict the width of the formatted help output to be no longer than this number of characters, if possible given the help formatter. If None, the width is the same as the terminal width. formatter : :obj:`~argparse.HelpFormatter` Class used to format the help output. Returns ------- :obj:`~argparse.ArgumentParser` Command-line interpreter. """ parser = super().get_parser( description="DeVeny Collimator Focus Calculator", width=width ) parser.add_argument( "--flog", action="store", type=str, help="focus log to use", default="last", ) parser.add_argument( "--thresh", action="store", type=float, help="threshold for line detection", default=100.0, ) parser.add_argument( "--nodisplay", action="store_true", help="DO NOT launch to display plots", ) # Produce multiple graphics outputs for the documentation -- HIDDEN parser.add_argument("-g", action="store_true", help=argparse.SUPPRESS) return parser
[docs] @staticmethod def main(args): """Main Driver Simple function that calls the primary function. """ # Giddy Up! dfocus( pathlib.Path(".").resolve(), flog=args.flog, thresh=args.thresh, launch_preview=not args.nodisplay, docfig=args.g, )