Source code for obstools.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  This file is part of LDTObserverTools.
#   This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
#   License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
#   file, You can obtain one at
#  Created on 01-Feb-2021
#  @author: tbowers

"""Utility Module

LDTObserverTools contains python ports of the various DeVeny IDL routines

Lowell Discovery Telescope (Lowell Observatory: Flagstaff, AZ)

This file contains various utility functions needed by other routines in this

# Built-In Libraries
import argparse
from functools import reduce
from importlib import resources
import pathlib
import textwrap
import sys
import warnings

# 3rd-Party Libraries
import darkdetect
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize

# Local Libraries
from obstools.version import version as __version__

CONFIG = resources.files("obstools") / "config"
DATA = resources.files("obstools") / "data"
# Modify SG theme based on system Light/Dark theme
SG_THEME = "dark gray 14" if darkdetect.isDark() else "light grey 1"

[docs]def all_subclasses(cls): """ Collect all the subclasses of the provided class. .. note:: This function borrowed from PypeIt The search follows the inheritance to the highest-level class. Intermediate base classes are included in the returned set, but not the base class itself. Thanks to: Args: cls (object): The base class Returns: :obj:`set`: The unique set of derived classes, including any intermediate base classes in the inheritance thread. """ return set(cls.__subclasses__()).union( [s for c in cls.__subclasses__() for s in all_subclasses(c)] )
[docs]def check_float(potential_float) -> bool: """Simple funtion to check whether something is a float Parameters ---------- potential_float : :obj:`~typing.Any` Value to check for float Returns ------- :obj:`bool` Whether it am or it ain't a :obj:`float`. """ try: float(potential_float) return True except ValueError: return False
[docs]def first_moment_1d(line): """Returns the 1st moment of line Parameters ---------- line : :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` 1-dimensional array to find the 1st moment of Returns ------- :obj:`float` The first moment of the input array relative to element # """ # Only use positive values -- set negative values to zero line[line < 0] = 0 # Make the counting array yy = np.arange(len(line)) # Return the first moment return np.sum(yy * line) / np.sum(line)
[docs]def flatten_comprehension(nested_list: list) -> list: """Flatten a single-depth nested list via list comprehension Parameters ---------- nested_list : :obj:`list` The single-depth nested list to flatten Returns ------- :obj:`list` The flattened list """ return [item for row in nested_list for item in row]
[docs]def gaussfit(x, y, nterms: int = 3, estimates=None, bounds=None, debug: bool = False): """Function similar to IDL's GAUSSFIT Big caveat: as implemented, can only estimate the initial parameters for POSITIVE gaussians (emission), and cannot correctly estimate parameters for negative (absorption) gaussians. The function will still happily fit a negative gaussian if given the proper estimates. Utilizes :func:`scipy.optimize.curve_fit` and the helper function :func:`gaussian_function` below. Parameters ---------- x : :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` Input abscissa values for the fitting y : :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` Input ordinate values for the fitting nterms : :obj:`int`, optional Number of terms to use in the Gaussian fit (Default: 3) estimates : :obj:`~numpy.ndarray`, optional Estimated values for the ``nterms`` parameters (see :func:`~scipy.optimize.curve_fit`; Default: None) bounds : :obj:`~numpy.ndarray`, optional Bounds on the ``nterms`` parameters (see :func:`~scipy.optimize.curve_fit`; Default: None) debug : :obj:`bool`, optional Print debugging statements. (Defualt: False) Returns ------- popt : :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` Optimal values for the parameters (see :func:`~scipy.optimize.curve_fit`) pcov : :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` The estimated covariance of ``popt`` (see :func:`~scipy.optimize.curve_fit`) """ if nterms < 3 or nterms > 6: raise ValueError(f"{nterms} is an invalid number of terms.") if bounds is not None and len(bounds[0]) != nterms: raise ValueError("Bounds array must contain NTERMS elements.") # This block is for estimating the parameters if none given. if estimates is None: # Subtract a linear term if nterm == 5 or 6 or constant for nterm == 4 if nterms > 3: poly =, y, 0 if nterms == 4 else 1) y_modified = y - poly(x) # Do nothing if nterm == 3 else: y_modified = y # Find the estimates of a0, a1, a2: dx = np.diff(x)[0] a0 = np.max(y_modified) a1 = x[0] + first_moment_1d(y_modified) * dx # Use points where value > (1/e)*max to estimate width s_idx = np.where(y_modified > a0 / np.e) a2 = np.abs(x[s_idx][-1] - x[s_idx][0]) / 2.0 if debug: print(f"Estimated values: a0={a0:.1f} a1={a1:.2f} a2={a2:.2f}") # Construct the estimates list estimates = [a0, a1, a2] # Check estimate against bounds if bounds is not None: for i, est in enumerate(estimates): est = bounds[0][i] if est < bounds[0][i] else est est = bounds[1][i] if est > bounds[1][i] else est estimates[i] = est if nterms > 3: estimates = estimates + list(poly.coef) if nterms == 6: estimates.append(0.0) # Else, make sure the number of estimate values equals nterms else: if len(estimates) != nterms: raise ValueError("Estimate array must contain NTERMS elements.") if bounds is None: bounds = (np.full(nterms, -np.inf), np.full(nterms, np.inf)) bounds[0][2] = 0 if debug: print(bounds) popt, pcov = scipy.optimize.curve_fit( gaussian_function, x, y, p0=estimates, bounds=bounds, ftol=1e-6 ) if debug: print(f"Estimated/Fit Width: {a2} / {popt[2]}") return popt, pcov
[docs]def gaussian_function( x: np.ndarray, a0: float, a1: float, a2: float, a3: float = 0.0, a4: float = 0.0, a5: float = 0.0, ): """Gaussian Function Construct a basic Gaussian using at least 3, but up to 6 parameters. Parameters ---------- x : :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` X values over which to compute the gaussian a0 : :obj:`float` Gaussian amplitude a1 : :obj:`float` Gaussian mean (mu) a2 : :obj:`float` Gaussian width (sigma) a3 : :obj:`float`, optional Baseline atop which the Gaussian sits. (Default: 0) a4 : :obj:`float`, optional Slope of the baseline atop which the Gaussian sits. (Default: 0) a5 : :obj:`float`, optional Quadratic term of the baseline atop which the Gaussian sits. (Default: 0) Returns ------- :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` The Y values of the Gaussian corresponding to X """ # Silence RuntimeWarning for overflow, this function only warnings.simplefilter("ignore", RuntimeWarning) z = (x - a1) / a2 return a0 * np.exp(-(z**2) / 2.0) + a3 + a4 * x + a5 * x**2
[docs]def good_poly(x, y, order, thresh, return_full=False): """Robust fitting of a polynomial to data This is a python port of an IDL routine written years ago by M. Buie. This is a multi-pass fitting routine that fits a fixed order polynomial to the input data. After each pass, the scatter of the fit relative to the fitted line is computed. Each point is examined to see if it falls beyond THRESH sigma from the line. If is does, it is removed from the data and the fit is tried again. This will make up to two attempts to remove bad data. Written in IDL 1991-1998, Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory Parameters ---------- x : :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` Input dataset, independant values. y : :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` Input dataset, dependant values. order : :obj:`int` Order of the polynomial fit (linear = 1). thresh : :obj:`float` Sigma threshold for removing outliers. return_full : :obj:`bool`, optional If True, also return: yfit : Fitted values for y that match the input vector. newx : X values from input that were considered good. newy : Y values from input that were considered good. Returns ------- :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` Array of fit parameters, as in :func:`numpy.polyfit`. Also, optionally, the ``return_full`` bits """ # Make copies to not mess up the inputs xx = x yy = y # Filter out NaNs if False in (good_idx := np.logical_and(~np.isnan(x), ~np.isnan(y))): xx = xx[good_idx] yy = yy[good_idx] if (array_length := len(xx)) == 0: return warn_and_return_zeros(return_full, x, xx, yy, order) # Check for fewer data points than the requested polynomial order if array_length < order: coeff = np.zeros(order + 1) if array_length != 1: sigma = np.std(yy) coeff[0] = np.mean(yy) else: coeff[0] = yy[0] sigma = yy[0] sigma = 1.0 if sigma == 0.0 else sigma print("Not enough data to support even a non-robust polynomial fit.") if return_full: yfit = [coeff[0]] * len(x) return coeff, yfit, xx, yy return coeff # Initial fit with all the data. coeff = np.polyfit(xx, yy, order) yfit = np.polyval(coeff, xx) flat = (yy - yfit) + np.sum(yfit) / array_length mean, sigma = np.mean(flat), np.std(flat) # Remove all points beyond threshold sigma good = np.where(np.abs(flat - mean) < thresh * sigma) nbad = array_length - len(good) xx, yy = xx[good], yy[good] if (array_length := len(xx)) == 0: return warn_and_return_zeros(return_full, x, xx, yy, order) # Do a second pass if there were any bad points removed if nbad != 0: coeff = np.polyfit(xx, yy, order) yfit = np.polyval(coeff, xx) flat = (yy - yfit) + np.sum(yfit) / array_length mean, sigma = np.mean(flat), np.std(flat) # Remove all points beyond threshold sigma good = np.where(np.abs(flat - mean) < thresh * sigma) nbad = array_length - len(good) xx, yy = xx[good], yy[good] if (array_length := len(xx)) == 0: return warn_and_return_zeros(return_full, x, xx, yy, order) # Do a third pass if there were any more bad points removed if nbad != 0: coeff = np.polyfit(xx, yy, order) yfit = np.polyval(coeff, xx) flat = (yy - yfit) + np.sum(yfit) / array_length mean, sigma = np.mean(flat), np.std(flat) # Check that the fit coefficients are finite: if not np.all(np.isfinite(coeff)): return warn_and_return_zeros(return_full, x, xx, yy, order) if return_full: return coeff, yfit, xx, yy return coeff
[docs]def nearest_odd(x: float) -> int: """Find the nearest odd integer Parameters ---------- x : :obj:`float` Input number Returns ------- :obj:`int` The nearest odd integer """ return int(2 * np.floor(x / 2) + 1)
[docs]def set_std_tickparams(axis: plt.axis, tsz: int | float): """Set standard tick parameters for a plot These are my own "standards", based on plots I used to make in IDL. Parameters ---------- axis : :obj:`~matplotlib.pyplot.axis` PyPlot axis for whom the tick parameters must be set tsz : :obj:`int` or :obj:`float` TypeSiZe """ axis.tick_params( axis="both", which="both", direction="in", top=True, right=True, labelsize=tsz, )
[docs]def sinusoid( x: np.ndarray, a: float, lam: float, phi: float, y0: float = 0, lin: float = 0, quad: float = 0, cube: float = 0, quar: float = 0, ) -> np.ndarray: """Return a basic sinusoid (for use with :func:`scipy.optimize.curve_fit`) _extended_summary_ Parameters ---------- x : :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` The abscissa values for which to return the ordinate a : :obj:`float` The amplitude of the sinusoid (in units of ordinate) lam : :obj:`float` The wavelength of the sinusoid (in units of abscissa), equivalent to `2π/k` (where `k` is the wavenumber). phi : :obj:`float` The phase shift of the sinusoid (in units of phase, nominally 0-1) y0 : :obj:`float`, optional The vertical offset of the sinusoid from zero (in units of ordinate) (Default: 0) lin : :obj:`float`, optional The linear term added to the fit (in units of ordinate/abscissa) (Default: 0) quad : :obj:`float`, optional The quadratic term added to the fit (in units of ordinate/abscissa**2) (Default: 0) cube : :obj:`float`, optional The cubic term added to the fit (in units of ordinate/abscissa**3) (Default: 0) quar : :obj:`float`, optional The quartic term added to the fit (in units of ordinate/abscissa**4) (Default: 0) Returns ------- :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` The sinusoid ordinate """ return ( a * np.sin(2.0 * np.pi * x / lam + 2.0 * np.pi * phi) + y0 + lin * x + quad * x**2 + cube * x**3 + quar * x**4 )
[docs]def warn_and_return_zeros(return_full: bool, x, xx, yy, order, raise_warn=False): """Set warning and return zeroes from :func:`good_poly` This function is a DRY. Since this block is used several times in :func:`good_poly`, separate out as a function. Parameters ---------- return_full : :obj:`bool` Return a bunch of stuff x : :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` [description] xx : :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` [description] yy : :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` [description] order : :obj:`int` The order of the polynomial fit raise_warn : :obj:`bool`, optional Actually raise the warning this function is meant to [Default: False] Returns ------- :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` An array of zeros of the proper length """ if raise_warn: warnings.warn("No good values to fit, return zeros.", UserWarning) if return_full: yfit = [0] * len(x) return [0] * (order + 1), yfit, xx, yy return [0] * (order + 1)
[docs]class ScriptBase: """ Provides a base class for all scripts. Implements base classes for use with ``PypeIt`` scripts. .. include common links, assuming primary doc root is up one directory .. include:: ../include/links.rst """
[docs] @classmethod def entry_point(cls): """ Defines the main script entry point. """ args = cls.parse_args() if args.version: print(f" LDT Observer Tools (obstools) version {__version__}") else: sys.exit(cls.main(args))
@classmethod @property def name(cls): """ Provide the name of the script. By default, this is the name of the module. """ return f"{cls.__module__.rsplit('.', maxsplit=1)[-1]}"
[docs] @classmethod def parse_args(cls, options=None): """ Parse the command-line arguments. """ parser = cls.get_parser() ScriptBase._fill_parser_cwd(parser) # Add "--version" to bottom of all scripts parser.add_argument( "--version", action="store_true", help="Print version and exit" ) return parser.parse_args() if options is None else parser.parse_args(options)
[docs] @staticmethod def _fill_parser_cwd(parser): """ Replace the default of any action that is exactly ``'current working directory'`` with the value of ``os.getcwd()``. The ``parser`` is edited *in place*. Args: parser (:obj:`~argparse.ArgumentParser`): The argument parsing object to edit. """ for action in parser._actions: if action.default == "current working directory": action.default = pathlib.Path.cwd()
# Base classes should override this
[docs] @staticmethod def main(args): """ Execute the script. """
[docs] @classmethod def get_parser( cls, description=None, width=None, formatter=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, ): """ Construct the command-line argument parser. Derived classes should override this. Ideally they should use this base-class method to instantiate the ArgumentParser object and then fill in the relevant parser arguments .. warning:: *Any* argument that defaults to the string ``'current working directory'`` will be replaced by the result of ``os.getcwd()`` when the script is executed. This means help dialogs will include this replacement, and parsing of the command line will use ``os.getcwd()`` as the default. This functionality is largely to allow for PypeIt's automated documentation of script help dialogs without the "current working" directory being that of the developer that most recently compiled the docs. Args: description (:obj:`str`, optional): A short description of the purpose of the script. width (:obj:`int`, optional): Restrict the width of the formatted help output to be no longer than this number of characters, if possible given the help formatter. If None, the width is the same as the terminal width. formatter (:obj:`~argparse.HelpFormatter`): Class used to format the help output. Returns: :obj:`~argparse.ArgumentParser`: Command-line interpreter. """ return argparse.ArgumentParser( description=description, formatter_class=lambda prog: formatter(prog, width=width), )
[docs]class SmartFormatter(argparse.HelpFormatter): r""" Enable a combination of both fixed-format and wrappable lines to be formatted for the help statements for command-line arguments used with :class:`~argparse.ArgumentParser`. Borrows from Help strings that use this formatter *must* begin with "R|". If not, the help string is parsed by the base class. When parsed by this formatter, the leading "R|" characters are stripped and the lines to be printed are parsed using :func:`~str.splitlines`. Each resulting line is wrapped using :func:`~textwrap.wrap`, unless it begins with the characters "F|", which forces the line to remain unaltered (except for stripping the leading characters). For example, if you add an argument like this: .. code-block:: python parser.add_argument('-t', '--tell_file', type=str, help='R|Configuration file to change default telluric parameters. ' 'Note that the parameters in this file will be overwritten if ' 'you set argument in your terminal. The --tell_file option ' 'requires a .tell file with the following format:\n' '\n' 'F| [tellfit]\n' 'F| objmodel = qso\n' 'F| redshift = 7.6\n' 'F| bal_wv_min_max = 10825,12060\n' 'OR\n' 'F| [tellfit]\n' 'F| objmodel = star\n' 'F| star_type = A0\n' 'F| star_mag = 8.\n' 'OR\n' 'F| [tellfit]\n' 'F| objmodel = poly\n' 'F| polyorder = 3\n' 'F| fit_wv_min_max = 9000.,9500.\n' '\n') The result will be (depending on the width of your console): .. code-block:: console -t TELL_FILE, --tell_file TELL_FILE Configuration file to change default telluric parameters. Note that the parameters in this file will be overwritten if you set argument in your terminal. The --tell_file option requires a .tell file with the following format: [tellfit] objmodel = qso redshift = 7.6 bal_wv_min_max = 10825,12060 OR [tellfit] objmodel = star star_type = A0 star_mag = 8. OR [tellfit] objmodel = poly polyorder = 3 fit_wv_min_max = 9000.,9500. """
[docs] def _split_lines(self, text, width): """ Split the provided text into width constrained lines. See the class description for formatting instructions. """ if text.startswith("R|"): lines = text[2:].splitlines() for i, line in enumerate(lines): if line.startswith("F|"): lines[i] = [line[2:]] elif len(line) == 0: lines[i] = [" "] else: lines[i] = textwrap.wrap(line, width) return reduce(list.__add__, lines) return super()._split_lines(text, width)